Vincent Shen
Vincent lives with his wife and children in Vancouver and manages the Russell operations in China.
Since joining Russell Vince has been responsible for technical sales of Russell products, specializing in RFT equipment – Ferroscope 308 and focusing on applications of Heat Exchanger tubes, Boiler tubes and Oil & Gas pipelines (2003-2005).
Vincent is now Russell's Marketing Director in Asia-Pacific region for RFT equipment sales and pipeline inspection services (2005- current) and in addition:
Project Manager of raw water pipeline condition assessment project in Taiwan, PCCP pipes, 110 inch in diameter, 54 KM in length, Electromagnetic RFEC/TC Technology (conducted by Russell NDE’s partner) (2006-2007).
Project Manager of two sub-marine pipelines condition assessment project in Hong Kong, steel pipes, DN300 in diameter, 6 KM in length, RFT In-Line Inspection Technology (2010).
Co-Project Manager of one offshore pipeline condition assessment trial project for COOEC company, steel pipes, 12 inch in diameter, 80 meters test loop, UT In-Line Inspection Technology (2012).
Co-Project Manager of two offshore platform riser pipelines condition assessment project for CNOOC Shanghai company, two steel riser pipes, 8 inch in diameter, 120 meters long using tethered RFT In-Line Inspection Technology (2013).
Co-Project Manager of four offshore pipelines condition assessment project for Conoco Philips China company, steel pipes, 24 inch in diameter, 18 KM total length, MFL In-Line Inspection Technology (2013).
In the photos (right, at bottom), Vincent is enjoying a family boating trip. The other photo is of the famous Chinese Terra-Cotta army.
The underground Terra-Cotta Warriors are located at Xi’an and were buried about 2,200 years ago. 1868 warriors are identified so far.
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