PICA’s Bracelet Probe (BP) technology rapidly and easily adjusts to any size of cast-iron, steel or ductile-iron pipe (starting at 6” diameter). The BP contains 16 high resolution sensors that cover a 10” wide scan path along the exterior of the pipe. It allows you to detect internal corrosion thinning, pits and cracks that can cause life-threatening leaks, pollution and property damage. The Bracelet probe offers a practical solution for the fast, economical inspection of bare, coated or wrapped pipes and gives rapid results in near real-time.

The BP uses a low frequency EM (electro-magnetic) field that penetrates through the pipe wall. Variations in the thickness of the pipe result in alterations to the field which is detected by the sensors. These field variations are measured by a Ferroscope Instrument and are recorded and exhibited on a lap top computer. The data are displayed immediately and are available for instant analysis.

Screen snap-shots can be saved of the 3D color-maps, strip charts and voltage planes which are used to display and size the degree of damage. Trends in wall thickness reductions can be easily seen and understood. Individual pits, graphitic corrosion, cracking and erosion are all detectable.

For Bare Pipe Bracelet Probe Brochure, click here


Image above shows the Bracelet Probe data from a ductile iron Force Main, with H2S damage on the inside.


  • Scan at up to 12 feet/minute
  • Horizontal and vertical pipes
  • Bare pipe in excavations
  • 10” wide scans cover the whole pipe in a few quadrant scans

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