Russell awarded inspection of epoxy lined pipeline

Russell will perform free-swimming See Snake™ inspection of 27km of epoxy lined pipeline for Cenovus in Central Alberta. Special centralizers were developed to ensure that the in-line inspection tool does not scratch or damage the epoxy liner. Special thanks to Dan Lingnau for this innovation, which was originally developed for HDPE lined pipe inspection for Shell Canada.


Russell receives visitors from Singapore

Mr. Vijay Das, (Assistant Director) and Ms. Chong Mien Ling (Executive Engineer) of Singapore P.U.B. visited Russell’s head office in Edmonton on Saturday, March 27th. Our guests were brought to us by Mr. Gordon Heinrich of Red Zone Robotics (Pittsburgh office) at the request of Mr. Wing Chan of the Chun Wo Company (Hong Kong Office).


New Russell NDE sign in lobby

A big “Thank You” to Greg Stamer, Machine Shop Supervisor, for creating the new Russell NDE sign for our lobby. Greg created the individual letters of “RUSSELL” using the CNC Mill and polished aluminum plate.

