Find the EMAT Instruments and Probes You Need at Russell NDE Systems
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Find the EMAT Instruments and Probes You Need at Russell NDE Systems

The unseen and unknown are the most significant risks at job sites, plants, factories, and tank farms. While boilers and pipes can look "O.K." from the outside, there could be internal corrosion, erosion or pitting hiding, waiting to cause leaks or blow-outs to your pressure equipment. This is where Russell NDE Systems' non-destructive testing (NDT) equipment and instrumentation can help.

Next, we will provide an overview of one of our NDT tools, our Electro-Magnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT) instruments, and how they can safely inspect difficult materials and surfaces. Continue reading to find out more. 

An Overview of EMAT Technology

Electro-Magnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT) instruments from Russell NDE Systems are primarily used to measure the thickness of materials and equipment that are difficult to couple to. Often, Russell NDE Systems' EMAT inspection tools are used to assess in-service piping for internal pitting, inspect heat exchanger shells, assess wall thickness of ship hulls, and inspect pressure vessel heads and shells to name but a few applications.

EMAT uses an advanced Ultrasonic Testing (UT) technique to generate sound in the metal being inspected by varying the magnetic field from a magnet through a control coil. This high-frequency field then interacts with static or DC fields to generate a force that produces an elastic wave. That wave is then used to couple ultrasonic energy into the inspected material or item and the resultant thickness reading is displayed instantly. This process makes Russell NDE's EMAT instrument an easy-to-use couplant-optional device compared to conventional piezoelectric transducers.

The Advantages of EMAT

Russell NDE's EMAT inspection tools offer a variety of advantages compared to conventional inspection methods. These advantages include the following:

  • EMAT inspection tools do not require a couplant making the technique ideal for hot and cold parts (see video link above for hot part inspection)
  • These tools are less affected by surface conditions and can inspect through coatings without being rendered in-operable by surface roughness or oxidization.
  • Permits easy deployment of probes for hand or automated inspections.
  • Probe extensions allow thickness readings to be taken through inspection ports on insulated pipes and vessels

With various EMAT inspection and Ultrasonic Flaw Detector tools available at Russell NDE Systems, our team can ensure you have the tools and equipment necessary to inspect your vessels and piping properly. Our EMAT inspection tools are available for purchase and can be shipped worldwide, so don't hesitate to reach out to Russell NDE and make your non-destructive testing experience clearer and safer. 

Specific EMAT Inspection Applications

There are several specific applications where EMAT technology excels beyond competing conventional methods. Some of these applications include:

Inspection of In-Service Piping

This is one of the most common uses of EMAT inspection tools. Typically, EMAT is used to examine equipment such as piping at low or high temperatures in, for example, refinery pipe racks and transmission lines for O&G or hazardous wastes. 


Inspection of Ship hulls

Ship's hulls often have thick coatings of copper-based or red lead-based paints with top -oats that can resemble tar. The EMAT technique can often penetrate thick coatings to measure the steel plate thickness underneath.

Inspection of Tanks and Pressure Vessels

Finally, the last common application for EMAT inspection tools is for inspecting large surface areas. Typically used to examine vessels and plates the probes can be mounted on a crawler or drone to scan a storage tank wall remotely.

EMAT Inspection Tools and More!

For over 40 years, Russell NDE Systems has been manufacturing and distributing innovative non-destructive testing solutions globally. If you'd like to learn more about our EMAT inspection tools or other NDT systems, contact us today!


