
Friday, May 11, 2018

IRIS Inspections: Giving You Accurate Results When it Counts

Since their development in the 1980’s, Internal Rotary Inspection Systems (IRIS) have become a widespread ultrasonic technique that may be applied to ferrous, non-ferrous, and even non-conductive tubes and pipes. Read on to find out more about IRIS devices, and the benefits they offer!

Precision and Accuracy

One of the core benefits of IRIS inspections are the extreme precision and accuracy of the results of the scan. IRIS and Super IRIS (SIRIS) examinations use a probe made up of a centering device, an ultrasound transducer, and a rotating mirror. An ultrasound pulse is generated and guided by a 45-degree rotating mirror towards the tube wall. Ultrasonic echoes are then reflected back, with the time between echoes relaying the thickness of the tube.

Added Benefits

IRIS is not only more accurate than other tube inspection techniques, but also has the added advantage of presenting information about the geometry of faults or defects. Local defects and wall-loss on both sides of the tube are able to be measured, and defects under support plates can be measured without any limitations.

Russell NDE proudly distributes SIRIS systems worldwide. The Super-IRIS provides customers with unparalleled data sampling rates, superior accuracy, and easy to understand inspection results. Learn more about the Super-IRIS by contacting us today!


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