Russell NDE Receives Business in Edmonton Leadership Award

Every year, Business in Edmonton celebrates owners, presidents and CEOs of private and public enterprises that embody exemplary business practices, innovation, performance, and commitment to community philanthropy. Winners are selected by a diverse panel of multiple industry experts, and are awarded based on several different areas of criteria.


11th International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition PETROTECH 2014, India

NEWS January 2014

Alberta and India benefit from a long-standing relationship in trade and investment — a relationship Albertans want to see grow even stronger. From partnerships in oil and gas, information and communications technology, aerospace, engineering, education to agriculture, Alberta sees great potential for increased collaboration and growth.


Russell Group Invited To Address NACE San Francisco Section Meeting

Aging Infrastructure Asset Evaluation Using Advanced Pipe Condition Assessment Technologies

Learn why globally, one-third of our filtered, chlorinated and pumped water never reaches its destination and how proactively performing preventative maintenance (Direct Condition Assessment – DCA) using advanced electromagnetic In-Line Inspection (ILI) Technologies can reduce the risk of failure in aging pipelines.

